Sadiq Mohammed
7 min readFeb 23, 2021


Does Your Supplement Have This Unique Element? Here’s How to Find it — FAST!

Selling health products online is different than selling any other product online because its market operates at a higher level of sophistication.

It’s the reason why this is a game-changer… and it’s one of those game-changers that when you get it right, will forever change your marketing.

Having studied several Multi-Million-Dollar campaigns in the supplement space, I’ve noticed they all have this unique element to them. I’ll tell you what this element is in a minute but before I do, I need you to understand this “concept” — Mechanism.

So, let’s just define mechanism… and mechanism is very simple.

Mechanism is the thing within your product that allows it to work or produce result. Every product that delivers a result has a mechanism.

There’s a mechanism behind every product.

The mechanism is how the product delivers on its promise or does the thing it says it does. So, it’s safe to say, the only products (or services) that don’t have a mechanism, are products that don’t produce or deliver results.

But every other product that produces some sort of result has some sort of mechanism. You can have a piece of software that gives you a certain result… what produces that result — could be some sort of algorithm or formula — is the mechanism.

Or if it’s a health supplement with a combination of specific nutrients… that combination could be the mechanism why it helps lower high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.

My point is…

There’s a mechanism in every product.

Legendary Copywriter, Eugene Schwartz, in his classic book Breakthrough Advertising shared many ideas and concepts that are relevant today. And one concept is the unique mechanism.

The mechanism is the thing, the piece, the part, or the component that makes your product work. The mechanism is how that product or service works to deliver the benefit or promise.

This brings us to a deeper look into…

The Little Known Secret That Can Steer You to Tremendous Increase in Sales

This game-changer is the unique mechanism. The unique mechanism is how your product uniquely works to deliver on the promise or benefit that’s different from what’s out there in your market.

And today, it is critical you have a unique mechanism because of how sophisticated the market is and how prospects have been exposed to several mechanisms… especially in the supplement space.

Everybody is aware of what’s going on.

What they might not be aware of is that there’s a ton of issues that goes into making products do what it says it does. So, if you can come out with something specific — in how it solves the problem and delivers the benefit — to them, they will cut you a check.

But the thing is… it takes a lot of time, effort, and research. You have to understand your audience, understand their problems, being aware of what’s happening in your market — the kind of offer prospects has seen.

In essence, it’s all about positioning yourself (or your product) as something a little bit different, newer, better than what’s out in the market.

Before we dive into the types of unique mechanisms any product can have, it’s important you understand why the unique mechanism is so effective…

Two Simple Reasons Why Unique Mechanism is So Effective

The first reason why is because it gives prospect one of the strongest emotions within the market space — especially in supplements — and that’s hope.

It gives prospects hope that maybe this time around, with your product, they’ll get the result they want. That this time, they get to lose the weight… they’ll get to become fitter… become better and so much more

And why is that?

Because, in the past, they’ve tried all other common mechanisms… they’ve tried all the other ways and it didn’t work for them.

And when they see you’ve got a new, unique, different mechanism, they now begin to have hope in getting the benefit or result the product gives.

The second thing to understand is that you never want to design your marketing message around a common commodity. Let me explain:

For example, let’s say you’re selling a heart supplement mineral called Allicin. Allicin is an organosulfur compound obtained from garlic, a species in the Allium family. It offers several health benefits as regulating blood pressure, prevention of atherosclerosis… even help lower cholesterol.

Allicin blood lowering effects appear to be a contribution of several mechanisms.

The first is its ability to, directly and indirectly, increase the activity and vasodilatory properties of nitric acids (NO), further contributing in favor of vasodilation (relaxing of smooth cells within the vessel walls).

The second mechanism associated with vasodilation is its ability to increase the production of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Upon its production, H2S will bind to and activate vascular channels, thereby resulting in hyperpolarization (vascular relaxation, reduces blood pressure) of the vascular smooth muscle cells.

And you know how sophisticated the market is in the supplement space.

So, if you’re selling this supplement and your entire marketing message is about Allicin, its benefit or how it has been researched and reported in… or maybe how it’s been used for centuries, or how it’s endorsed by Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, or how doctors “love em” …

What you’re doing here is arming your audience with specific information about the mineral Allicin…. and with this information, your prospects can now go online or YouTube or probably Amazon and find out other products that have Allicin, and you bet they’ll find cheaper ones too…

So, you never want to design your marketing message on a commodity rather you want to market your unique mechanism.

An example:

What the market is aware of is that there are side effects to taking Allicin such as diarrhea, heartburn, gas, and nausea. I know because I’ve lived through most of them.

And due to the lack of clinical trials about long-term side effects vs the benefits, little is known about long-term safety.

So, Let’s say you put together a supplement (Allicin) that helps reduce high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.…

And you’ve isolated the real reason why these side effects occur — the reaction that produces allicin reacts too early in the stomach and has a showdown with stomach acids.

So you found a unique way to coat the ingredients with a unique film (that you developed) to protect it from stomach acids… acting like some sort of trojan horse, bypassing all the stomach acids till it gets into the intestine where it comes alive and pops.

You could either give a name to this process or even give a name to the substance that coats the ingredients (Note: we can probably do better than this).

That name or process can be your unique mechanism, the thing that separates you from the pack, the thing that explains how your product solves the problem… and delivers the benefit.

Because underneath the benefit of taking the supplement, is the problem it fixes. There are…

Three Different Types of Unique Mechanisms Any Product Can Have.

The first, which is the Foundational mechanism. This is if your product or service is truly built on a foundational unique mechanism.

What this means is that…

There is a unique element in your software…

There is a unique ingredient in your grandma Jollof recipe…

There is a unique formula behind your dietary supplement…could be some sort of combination of ingredients or formulation but it’s something foundational within your product.

This is what we call a Foundational Mechanism.

Then we have what we call the Unspoken Mechanism.

An unspoken mechanism means there is a part of your product or service that is responsible for why it works, and your competitors also have that same aspect or part on their product or services…

But… they don’t emphasize it. They’re not talking about it or they never talk about it. So that can become your unspoken mechanism. It only has to be unique to your market, to your audience.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be unique among your competitors, it only has to be unique in the eyes of the market.

So, if you’re the only one that’s talking about it, and your competitors have it also, but they don’t talk about it… that’s what we call an Unspoken Mechanism.

The third is the…

Transubstantiation Mechanism

Transubstantiation is a term taken from Roman Catholic Church. I first came across this concept from Mark Ford’s classic book, The Great Leads. It’s barely the process of turning ordinary words or process into something unique, something special….

The idea here is turning something common or banal into the extraordinary. Which makes it unique because you made it up. And that name becomes your unique mechanism. It becomes the reason why your process produces the result that it does.

Using a unique mechanism or combination of them in your marketing message is vital in a sophisticated marketplace, such as in the supplement space. It can be the reason why prospects buy your product and it can certainly tie into your overall marketing message and story of your dietary supplement product.

It’s simply a matter of taking the time to look at your product or process and asking a series of questions like…

How does it work?

Why does it work?

Why does it go through this specific 1–2–3 process and not the other way around?

Thus, designing your marketing message without a unique mechanism is the ultimate recipe for missing out on sales.

