Sadiq Mohammed
6 min readNov 2, 2020

How To Write Like An Expert in any Niche….Even if you’re Just a Novice in That Industry!

Powerful, easy and proven technique to write like an Expert on any topic.

Let’s face it.

If there’s anything you should know about freelancing for clients, it’s this: there will be a time in your career where you’re going to write about topics for an industry where you have absolutely no experience in.

In fact, most of your writing 99.9% will be about topics you have absolutely no idea about and clients will expect you to write like an expert – whether you’re one or not.

As a freelance writer, you could land an obscure project for a cat food, a series of articles for a Mongolian cuisine, content for an online pet store or a pamphlet for a ballet school.

Majority of the time, you’d be going into these projects without prior knowledge but this shouldn’t drive you crazy.

What you will need is an unlimited access to the internet and the ability to research well.

I think most freelancers can agree with me that in this thing of ours, whether you love it or hate it, research is an inevitable part of the job.

Is it challenging? Yes. But…

Research Doesn’t Need to be Painful.

There’s a simple but effective method to writing about a topic you know nothing about – as well as making your research process less painful and time - consuming.

This is a technique that can be used for different niches….even if it’s a niche that’s totally strange to you.

It’s so effective that it can be applied in less than a day and that’s just how powerful this technique is.

Now to the good stuff…

Here’s How You Write Authoritative Copy on Any Topic Like an Expert….even If you’re just a novice.

Just as before you build a house, you must lay the foundation first. So it is with writing on anything. You must first carry out research on the topic you’re writing about.

Research is the framework of any content and is the most important aspect of writing anything.

Every single successful copy or article all begins with a bloody good research.

And, we’re lucky to be in a digital age where carrying out research on any topic isn’t a herculean task.

What you simply have to do is google the hell out of the topic you’re writing about using as many keywords as possible.

For example, if you’re writing an article on “job interviews”…You have a myriad list of keywords to enter into the google search engine…

Such as…

Common interview questions

• How to answer interview questions

• Interview questions

• Sample interview questions and answer

• Top interview questions

• How to prepare for a job interview

• How to answer job interview questions

And so on.

As you get the results from your google search, you’ll want to focus on the top 5-6 articles but, you shouldn’t be limiting yourself. You can decide to dig deep if you have to.

You will most likely have enough valuable information on the topic and establish a “layman” understanding with the important definitions, terms, facts, stats and subtopics.

As you read through those top ranking articles, make sure you’re taking down notes.

By doing this, you’re recording down all your thoughts, questions and information without leaving anything out.

Take notes about any stats, facts, quotes by authority figures etc.

Don’t write yet, what we’re still doing is research which of course is….

The First Key to a Successful Copy or Article.

The next thing would be to research your audience.

You should know who you’re creating a copy or an article for.

From researching your audience you should have the answers to:

What are they worried about?

• What are their pains?

• What are their hopes?

• What are they talking about and how are they talking about it?

You should know everything about your audience.

Doing all this gives you the feeling of being an expert on a topic when you’re actually not one. And you don’t need to be.

You just need to write in a convincing and authoritative way like an expert on the topic.

After doing all this, revise your notes a couple of times and as you do, focus on your target audience, their pain points, facts, stats etc.

Please you shouldn’t rush this process.

This is something you should take your time with this.

Once you’re done with this, it’s time to put it aside and walk away.

Hand over the information you just absorbed to your subconscious mind.

Walk away for a while and allow your subconscious mind to work through the information and figure out the best possible angle to sell your idea.

Once that’s done, come back to your notes and go over them till you feel the irresistible urge to write. Then drop your notes and begin to write.

Don’t stop for anything…

Just Write…

Write and keep on writing.

See. Forget grammar, spelling, structure, editing or anything of sorts. Just keep on writing.

Don’t worry, we’ll come back to them but for now you have to just keep writing.

Do this till you’ve exhausted all your juices.

At this point, you should stop writing. Take a break and walk away. Maybe come back after an hour or two (if you have the time) and revise your draft.

As you revise your draft you should…

Be very ruthless.

Dan Kennedy said in his famous book, “The Ultimate sales letter”, write for passion and rewrite for clarity (if you haven’t read his book, you should)

Take out anything that sounds vague or confusing.

Take out anything that sounds unbelievable (or back them with solid proof.)

Make sure you edit it so it’s something your mother can understand….and if you made use of any big words, edit those words into something a 6 year old child can understand.

Understand this…Be Very Ruthless and Show no Mercy!

Don’t get attached to your writing. It’s not about you. It’s about your reader and your reader alone.

So make sure you edit ruthlessly so anybody can understand with ease what you’ve just written.

After you’re done editing, you should go through what you’ve written one more time and this time, as you go through, read your copy or article out loud to check its flow…

Your copy should read like a conversation between two people in a bar…

You can also send it to a colleague (someone adept in editing and proofreading) to read and give you feedback. But if you don’t feel like, it’s fine.

Just Don’t Set it Aside in the Hope of Making it Perfect.

This is futile. There’s no such thing as perfect writing.

Don’t set it aside to wait for some divine intervention to make it perfect…because I hate to burst your bubble but it won’t come.

You’d just be wasting valuable time.

You can simply send out what you’ve written and wait for the response you’d get.

As a writer in any niche or industry, you should keep at the fore front of your mind that your numero uno goal should be to convince your reader (and client) that you’re not in fact a total asshole and you achieve this by writing like an expert with authority…and the process is a simple one.

Become a sponge and absorb everything you can about what you’re writing on, the audience you’re writing for…and then translate it into a very simple message that anyone can understand.

A message that is useful and valuable to your readers.